Day 499: When The Selkie Found Her Skin

Day 499: When The Selkie Found Her Skin

when the selkie
found her skin,

i fancy
that she first
brought it to her children
and let them pet the pelt
with closed eyes,

that they would know her
by touch
if the sight of her
had thrown them.


i imagine
they were much more confident swimmers
after she had gone,

for they must have known her
to be in the water



gliding just under them
in hidden depths,

bopping her nose
on the soles of their feet
if their heads went too far
beneath water,

and forcing the currents
to bring them back toward shore
when the lure of expanses
brought them too far out.


i imagine the sea
to be full of such selkies,
loving their children,
who know not
they’re there.


i like that sea.


i like to swim there,





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