Day 498: Acorns and Feathers

Day 498: Acorns and Feathers

there was a gift
i gave

i had no right in giving.

for though it was mine
it cannot ever be


in the way
an acorn cannot give the tree,


in the way
a bird who lends a feather
cannot also offer flight.


what i gave,
i gave without want
or exchange
or condition,
and it is good
to give

but perhaps
i misjudged
the obedience of hearts.


i thought
a heart would go
where you will it.

i thought a heart
would go
where it’s met.

i thought a heart
would go
‘cross the ages.

i though a heart
would unfalteringly


but such a thing –

like acorns and feathers –

belongs to Another,


and now that i understand,
i bounce to the ground
and flit in the sky,
wondering where


We shall go.


Day498_Acorns and Feathers



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