Day 495: Spider Webs

Day 495: Spider Webs

the world is full
of spider webs, now.

at least,
if you live
in the natural places.

there are many of those
concrete buildings,
continuously maintained
and swept,

as to disregard
the passing of time
and the aging of days,

in hopes that the inhabitants
would not know
and be caught off guard
by death,

locked in pre-aged dementias
of blocks and glass
and devicive screens.


but if you look closely,
there are even a few webs there.

their makers sneak in on the flowers
that adorn polished marble,
and hide in the corners,
too tall to reach.


this is where
the true self lies,
advertised by morning dew
that will fade by midday
if you hadn’t caught the light.


this is where
the true self lies,
winding and winding
‘round the buzzing flies
that would rather you swat
your days away in frustration.


this is where
the true self lies,
leaving a most magnificent
and ornate frame

and hiding the spinner
so well,
you might wonder
and think
she had gone.





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