Day 481: Deep Time
i might wonder –
now that all things
have become still and silent –
if this is deep time,
nothing is wanted
nor expected,
nothing is pleasing
nor preferred,
nothing is a thrill
nor devastation.
it is not numbness
but rather
for how can burden
push upon you
without the gravity
of situation.
if it is so –
but how can it be so –
i would ask:
what now?
if it is a dream,
should i wake?
if it is a fall,
should i land?
if it is deep time,
how does it once again
become shallow
and spent?
is it only the new identity –
vying for entry,
scrambling with others,
like sperm to egg,
bounding forward with innate urgency
and reflexive instinct
to create new life –
that would start the clock
ticking again,
to birth,
to death,
and regeneration?