Day 385: Good

Day 385: Good

i remember good.

in it,
i only wanted good
in the quantity of more,
which was easily had,
for good regenerates itself
like hibiscus blooms –

new everyday
and twisting in at night
in tight little umbrellas
that keep out the rain.

good, like hope,
imparts an endless supply
of strength for the walk,
of character for the wit,
and comforts the traveler
as she goes.

amusements enthrall without trap
and hearty laughter comes.
sleep is granted in restful nap,
and terrors taunting cease.

i remember good.

is it by peaceful rationalizations
that we trade her?
is it for promised destinations
that we leave her?
it is a tricky business
to defame her,
but many voices therein lie,
whose business is
to tantalize.

i have indulged to my destruction
the fantasy of me
and what a silly pillar
is one erect
without good
that grew the seed.

i remember you

like the whisper of a name
that sends chills upon my spine
and squeezes my heart in anticipation
and joy and fear.
good fear, from awe.

and i walk now
the name
i do not yet fully know
lest i forget again.




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