Day 362: The Man Who Went To War
i knew a man
who had been to war.
he fought
as he was taught
and some things
he remembers doing
and some things
he forgets
every day,
and on purpose.
peace was declared
by the mongers
of battle
and he chuckled
at the irony of it all.
with a sigh and a zip,
he packed up
the soft things –
his garments and rags –
and left the hard things –
the powder and steel –
and thought of the men
who signed papers in palaces.
’tis a strange doctor
to cut the skin
and mend it,
back again.
once home,
and unpacked
he took a new inventory
of all that remained
in the shadow
of risen flags:
some soft things
had been lost in transit,
and some hard things
came home in his bag.