Day 339: Seeking

Day 339: Seeking

we do not go out
and into the world
seeking for our souls
as if they were wonders to discover
or bones buried in the dirt –

to uncover and construct –

to behold our immortal shape –

to finally see
what true form
we were meant to fill.


no, we do not set out on these journeys.

and we do not assemble these soul skeletons.

for they are not to be found abroad.


but rather
these shards of self
in piles of unfolded laundry
and are discovered
as they pop from dish tub bubbles
and ascend into our senses
like too familiar scents of a home
in which we’ve never lived.


perhaps then,
our treks into the wild
are embarked in dithered hopes
of finding all else
that would entertain
and divert
from the deeper travels




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