Day 317: Accompaniment

Day 317: Accompaniment

i cannot sing like you.

my song is simple
and softly sung
and the lyrics often change

as i forget
the words
that would’ve fit better
in the tune.

i cannot sing like you.


how brave
in centerstage
the maestro moves his wand

and all the sounds
are multiplied
and audiences moved –

such authority i cannot muster.


i play with crickets
when they climb on the rocks
and cackle with blue jays who goad.
i bounce my bow like the goldfinch bobs
and plunk with the frogs and the toads.

still, they master me.


for the composer of these
is the composer of me
and together
we giggling hum


how sweet is the tripping
that faithfully falls
like a melody changed
by discord.


make new
make new
the song i sing,

for i cannot sing like you.





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