Day 311: Capable Beings

Day 311: Capable Beings

i’ve been thinking a lot
on our collective adeptness.

in our brief little existence
we have figured out
how to walk upon the moon,
harness atoms,
and espalier trees.

we can even shape them into
fantastic gazebos
that rise above us.


we have managed to
compose symphonies
that rouse the heavens outside us,

and have written canons
to reflect the heavens within.


we have named stars
a million miles above us
and polished stones
that live a thousand miles below.

we have discovered calculus in numbers
and pietas in the rock,

we have cultured yeast and vegetables
and hybridized the flora,

we have irrigated, cultivated,
harvested, and preserved.

we have shaped and shined bronze
and erected towers made of steel.


we wingless creatures
have even taught ourselves to fly.


but oh,
to forgive…

this pebble does trip
and confound
the most capable of beings.

how magnificent the mind
that can master
that craft.

Day311_Capable Beings



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