Day 294: Trailhead

Day 294: Trailhead

there is a vast, open plain
upon which i walked;

wandered, really,

in serpentine circles
and distracted by wayward butterflies.


the assumption was:

it was free.
i was free.
out there.

and perhaps i was,

but only free enough to go nowhere.

i orbited only my self
and in my self there is no sun.
thus, i sought my own perimeter.


on the edge of this expanse
of tall grass and wind laid branch,
i have found a trailhead
whose entrance is dense and brambled.

it is only one road.

it does not fork

or splinter,

but still,
it does not lose
its way.

the course seems sure
and sacred,
as far as i can see,

which probably isn’t very far
in relation to the road.





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