Day 284: The Form Of Nothing

Day 284: The Form Of Nothing

i think i’d take
the form of nothing
over the shape of love, unfilled,

which is as good as an empty box of raisins.


isn’t it laughable?

the structures we build
to leave hollow?


even this fleshy frame
peeled and polished every day,

i still wake up in,
dusted with the dreams
that were trying to make their way inside me
throughout the night.

maybe they knew there was space
that could be filled.


by the weight in me
i know there must be something
in there.

how else could all these words
come splashing out
like random spillings of split piñatas?

perhaps someday,
all these encumbered quarrels within
will stack upon each other
in tidy assembly

and fill the form of nothing
so full,

it brims and pours out
as love

and flows back again.


until then,
we are candy wrappers
that blow away in the wind,
chased by the neighborhood cat
and collected against fences
while we wait,

knowing we should be filled
with sweet things.




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