Day 258: The Act of Caring for a Thing

Day 258: The Act of Caring for a Thing

when i give too much thought
to the happenings inside of me –

spinning in that shallow eddy –

and i ponder too much
what people see
when they see
of me –

it all goes away,

i forget myself completely,
when i look after something
outside of myself

and tend to it,
with delicate sight.


like a gardner to a broken stem –
each bud a precious promise,
each leaf a collector of light –
i nurturing touch
transparent skin
and seep out
the troubles in.


and there is no shortage
of orchids that did not weather the storm.


and there is no scarcity
of the weeds
that wish to grow inside us.


and so i shall cultivate



Day258_The Act of Caring for a Thing

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