Day 177: Books For Kids

Day 177: Books For Kids

Sometimes, you just want to shake things up.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my traditional love stories and those classic fairy tales. I go back home with Austen, I adventure with Kipling, and thrive on the genuine simple goodness of Alcott and Wilder. But every once in a while I step into the current century; and I’d like to bring my kids along for the ride.

Given my current mulling of mind (and reflecting on the #metoo campaign), I decided to change up the “Children’s Lit” section in my house.

For my daughter, a little inspirational bedtime reading:

Day177_Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls

And for my sons, a little perspective:

Day177_Strong Is the New Pretty

The cool thing is, they’ve all read each one cover to cover, and are starting over again.

Books. I love ‘em.
Worlds are changed at the turning of a page.

Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls, is by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo

Strong is the New Pretty, is by Kate T. Parker

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