Day 147: Forgotten

Day 147: Forgotten

what i really want to say is:
i can’t remember

i can’t remember what it was like to feel safe
i can’t remember what it was like to know the future

i can’t remember what it was like to look at something i made and say
it’s enough

i can’t remember what it’s like to feel weightless in love
or weightless in me

i can’t remember what it feels like
to know you’ve got me

i can’t remember air without gravity

i can’t remember rain on me

it’s always safely kept behind glass –

or am i the one kept behind glass?

i can’t remember

i can’t remember
what i did wrong
what i did right
what i wanted to have done
right or wrong

but i saw a flash
like reflected light


and then i knew


that everything i can’t recall




and still is


in a heart
whose mind
has simply forgot
how to let it be.

Day147_Forgotten In Blue


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