Author: Jamie

The Epilogue Entries – No.20

The Epilogue Entries – No.20


the shades have been drawn
yea, even unto myself,
that we may sleep
and keep still
the motion
of forward thoughts.

it is not the time.

it is not the time.

so we strangers
fill the chambers
like ghosts
in a waiting room;

exchanging glances
and sorting through
empty seconds
like old photos of people we’ve never met,

and gone

The Epilogue Entries – No.19

The Epilogue Entries – No.19




how still the snow lies on the branch
in the held, white breath
of soft fog.


how it outlines the memory
of things that sleep


but live still.


Things That Sleep

The Epilogue Entries – No.18

The Epilogue Entries – No.18



to force a bloom
is to falsify
the natural expansion
of our arms;

to open and hold
with weak petals
the burdens of days
we were not meant to live.

but to wait


for incubation’s
promised plume –
pained and pressed
behind the bud –

o then
is our reward.

full of leaf, fragrance, and color
we shall come

temporarily born
and flaming.


The Epilogue Entries – No.16

The Epilogue Entries – No.16



it may be better,
i think,
to stumble in the darkness
than to walk
by artificial light.

suns rise.
moons glow.
stars’ distant fires burn.

even the very insects

that we might know…

that we might see

our way.


The Epilogue Entries – No.15

The Epilogue Entries – No.15



sit beside me.
i have cleared a space
to my right
and there is a crackle of hearth
before us.

let us toss there,
into the gentle dance,
the masks on sticks
that fill our hands,
occupy our fingers
with constant positioning,
and keep us looking through
card board cut-out holes,
like children
in too-tight forts,
hunkered in flimsy boxes
to feel safe.

in the glow of small, consuming flame,
who eats to ash
the painted masks,

i will look on you
and you on me

and feel safer
than in any fort before.


The Epilogue Entries – No.14

The Epilogue Entries – No.14


i have found
to be the mightiest
dam of words.

and if anger be the spillway,
it forms a bursted flood

that drowns the tallest reed,

and lost by lost velocity
goes tender, planted seed.



The Epilogue Entries – No.13

The Epilogue Entries – No.13



do not be dismayed
by the brown of the earth
that roads and curls in stoney swirls,
thinking only of want for snow.

it is hard not to miss magic
when everything
has become so very real.


if i could dream,
i would take my labors
like a spade upon my shoulder
and dig down
in the dirt

until i found

a white blanket
of wonderlands,

and lay it out

over this place,

over this mind,

over this heart,

and prove

that what we cannot see
is still there

and just slightly covered
by a forgetful
and disguising ground.






The Epilogue Entries – No.12

The Epilogue Entries – No.12



i had a list
of all the wrongs
that had ever been done to me.

i added to it daily.

i wrote on every clean space there was.


it was such a big list
i didn’t even know it was there.


it was the wallpaper
that draped the walls
that made the room
i lived in.

i made matching drapes
so it was homey.

i burned incense therein,
to try and make it holy.


i’m not sure how it started;

whether there was a chipped piece
of that paper
that i picked
and couldn’t stop,

or if perhaps,
when moving some large piece
of mental furniture, –

those fixtures we frequently sit upon
are rarely question their comfort, location, or age –

i banged into the wall
hard enough
to break off a bit
of that plastered seal,


and the lines
of the pages
of the paper
on the wall –

that long, long list –

that wrapper of right worlds –

began to peel.


in thin layers,
crisp as an onion skin,
letters dropped from words
like dead-dried warts
from a softer sole

and i could walk again,
without their customed limp.


i walked to every wall
and peeled,
and stripped,
and washed,
and ripped,

and reassembled the words upon those walls to read:


i forgive.

i forgive.

i forgive.


and then i saw,
no walls at all.


i had papered
the very air about me.



The List



The Epilogue Entries – No.11

The Epilogue Entries – No.11





does not work

like rain.


it’s made of the same stuff,
to be sure,


but where rain drives,
snow dances.


where rain falls,
snow floats,


and plays on the current


in mischievous dodgings
and happy bursts


until finally,

it lands,


and stays.


my love,

will you play?



Snow Play