Day: October 20, 2017

Day 174: Tsunamis

Day 174: Tsunamis

the thing with tsunamis is,
you can’t see them coming.

you don’t know they’re there
until they’re there

and what raft can carry the weight of a person
on such a turbulent wave?


wherever the rift first occurred –

the break in a floor
somewhere in deep blue –

this break
did jostle the waters
so deeply
that they rose from the underside up
and out
onto whatever beaches it could find.


so it is with us.

breaks can happen deep
and quietly
and without sound
and without sight

but they roll
oh, how they roll
like tremors in our spines
felling our steps like toothpick trees against it’s force
and crushing our courage like canopies on sandy shores

so it is with us.

that we should stop aiming to find fissures
and predict faults,
that we should stop bottling oceans
and building deeper dikes

but rather

learn to surf
and be ready to ride.

