Day 170: The Home in Me
there is a home in me
and if you’re looking for the key
start with simple love songs, please.
they’d be sung with the eye
and delivered to my ear
at the palm of your hand.
i am no puzzle
i am no maze
i unlock and unhinge
at honest gaze
when we look to see
see what we are
see what we’re not
see all that we have
when we set aside want.
see the blemish
see the scar
see the beauty
that is who we are
this is a home
that cannot be owned
this is a wealth
that cannot be loaned
just see me
as i see you
without the works
or the things we do
and let us sing love songs
to open the other
let us wait at locked doors
and know
there is a home in there
and the key
the key
is sweet