Month: July 2017

Day 93: Boxing

Day 93: Boxing

Good things come in small packages.

Completely awesome, stellar, delicious, and superb things come in boxes that you handmade with fancy paper.

I have made these boxes for years after a good friend showed me how. They’ve been known to be filled with chocolate truffles, sweet amaretti, precious bobbles, and various what-nots. Whenever a thoughtful presentation is desired, you’re now going to have a cheap and crafty way to bear gifts…


  • 2 sheets of 12”x 12” paper*
  • paper cutter (or scissors with a steady hand)
  • ruler
  • small spoon
  • patience


1) Find two sheets of paper that “work” together. You’re the artist. Matchy-matchy? Coordinating? Stripes and Polka Dots? Mismatched anarchy? Your call.




2) Decide which is your box COVER and which is your BOTTOM. Cut ¼” off each side of the BOTTOM paper to create a square that is ½” smaller than your COVER. (If the paper design is not cut off at an odd place, you can just cut ½” off two perpendicular sides.)

Day93_4_Cut Bottom


3) Find the center (left to right and top to bottom) of the COVER and the BOTTOM and mark on the backside of the paper. (i.e. 6” on the 12”x12” COVER and 5 3/4” on the 11 1/2”x 11 1/2” BOTTOM)

Day93_3_Mark Top

Day93_5_Mark Bottom


4) Fold a corner of the COVER to the center

Day93_6_Corner In

and repeat until all corners meet at the middle.

Day93_7_All Corners Met

To get a sharp fold and a crisp edge to the box, use the back side of a spoon and press it along the crease…

Day93_8_A Fine Fold


5) Fold the lower half up to the center,

Day93_9_Bottom's Up

spin 180° and repeat with the top half,

Day93_10_Top Down

Spin 90° and fold the left half to the center

Day93_11_Side Up

spin 180° and fold the right half to center.

Day93_12_Side Over


6) Unfold it gently


stretch the top and bottom out

Day93_14_Stretch Top and Bottom

and fold the sides in. Crease these side folds with your spoon and then bend them perpendicular to the table (they are the sides of your box COVER).

Day93_15_Fold in at Sides

7) As you slowly raise the top, press your finger tip in the triangle shaped creases. These will naturally create the top edge of your box COVER.

Day93_16_Top Side

fold the top edge back down, wrapping itself over the triangle shaped creases.

Day93_17_Bring Over

repeat with the bottom edge.

Day93_18_Repeat with Bottom

8) Fine tuning:

If the corners in the center of your box are popping up, you can glue them down or put a little sticker on the four corners.

Day93_19_Secure Centered Corners

If you’re using a thick paper, take the handle of your spoon and press it into the valley of the crease.

Day93_20_Sharpen Valley Folds


9) Repeat steps 4-9 with your BOTTOM paper

10) Fill it!

Day93_All Boxed Up

Tie it up in a bow, label, embellish, bedazzle, whatever…


…It’s yours to make. It’s yours to give.


Important: if you are currently sitting in a heap of crumpled paper, cursing the origin of origami, and ready to go buy a gift bag at the dollar store, let me know in the comments. I’ll work on a video…


*If a smaller box is desired, you can decrease this measurement to whatever you need. Just be sure to shave a ½” off the bottom square, as instructed above. Start by practicing with regular computer paper cut to a square – they’re addicting. Work days will never be the same…

*I suggest cardstock for a sturdier box, but frequently use a thinner paper as the cover.

*The smaller the box, the harder cardstock is to fold. If a small, strong box is desired, do your finger push ups and make sure the kids can’t hear you swear.


Day 92: Matter

Day 92: Matter

I am not the mistakes I’ve made.
nor the plans I’ve laid.
I am not the victories past
nor good jobs done fast.
I am not the butter-brushed bread,
nor the challenge ahead,
I am not the pots I’ve thrown,
not the garments I’ve sewn.


I am not the achievements

-weights lifted over my head-

I am not the bereavements

-weights in the heart that embed-


I am not the owned nor the owner
of sweet lives surrounding.
Let us each make our sound,
the chorus abounding.

I am not the roles I play when the play unrolls.

I am not the judge nor weigher of souls.

and neither, my love, are you.


these things

– all this matter –

are simply evidence of a life
being lived


I am memory and hope

I am a never-ending rope

tying water to ashes and back again

and so, my love, are you.


in the same way my grandmother, now 20 years gone –
still asks me,
– just as clear as day –

“do you love him?”

and, “you’ll be okay.”

and paints toenails with me
on canopied California car aprons,

and washes the beach glass treasures and salty sand dollars

and watches geckos scurry on the rock road divides

the orange tree blooms

her laugh still fills the room.


these are the things we are

and always will be

no matter where

no matter with who

no matter without

no matter the matter that falls



Day 91: Russian Roses

Day 91: Russian Roses

Ever since I was a kid, my favorite Christmas cookie has been a Russian Tea Cake (sometimes called Mexican Wedding Cake). While the occasional “Sprinkled Santa” and “Ginger-Ninja-Bread Man” will momentarily lure me, I always return to a cup of spicy black tea and one of those powdered-sugar-covered biscuits. I consider it a mid-winter morning ritual until they’re gone.

As it’s mid-summer and we’re no where near Christmas, I’m challenging myself to make a seasonal variation. Inspired by flavors of the Middle-East, I rebelliously break free from staunchly held “cookie identities,” and give you:

Persian Tea Cakes

with Rosewater, Pistachio, and Cardamom


Day91_Persian Tea Cakes



  • 1 cup unsalted butter (at room temperature)
  • ½ cup powdered sugar
  • ½ teaspoon rosewater (+1/8 teaspoon if you like a more pronounced flavor)
  • 2 ¼ cup all purpose unbleached flour
  • ¾ cup shelled pistachios
  • ½ teaspoon cardamom
  • 1/8 teaspoon white pepper (not pictured)
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • powdered sugar for dusting


preheat your oven to 400°


cream the butter and sugar together

Day91_Butter & Sugar

add the rosewater and cream until light and fluffy

Day91_Creamed Butter with Sugar and Rosewater

smash the pistachios into small bits:


and stir them in the butter along with the flour, cardamom, white pepper, and salt

Day91_Add Dry Ingredients

mix it until it forms a paste

Day91_Mix to Paste

roll a tablespoon of the dough in your hands to form a lovely little ball

and place it on an un-greased, unlined cookie sheet

Day91_Ready to Bake

bake at 400° for 11-14 minutes and remove before they begin to brown

when they’re still warm to the touch, roll them in powdered sugar

Day91_Roll in Sugar

after they’ve cooled, roll them in powdered sugar again until they have a nice coating*

Day91_First Roll

These are DELICIOUS!!! The delicacy of the flavors makes you savor each bite and find the distinction of tastes gradually. Rest assured, the rose water is subtle enough that not one of my kids complained of being fed soap for dessert. Triple points.


*(don’t skip the second roll to reduce sugar or some such sillyness – the rose water balances better with the extra sweetness and if you’re trying to cutback on sugar, I remind you, you’re eating a cookie….)

Day 90: Needful Endurances

Day 90: Needful Endurances

an inventory of a day that passed;

some whole days are simply needful endurances

dental appointments and grocery runs
banks and haircuts and overdue books
heaps of dishes
and too many crumbs on the floor

the mail piled up at the door

the bedtimes that bring no rest
and the list
of tomorrow’s chores that loom like thunder in the not-so-far-off distance.
should I even go to sleep?

the storm is coming…


you’d think I’d be too busy to notice
but I notice.
don’t you?


the ache?
the wonder?
when will it break?


music conforms to the mundane
and song slips into silence

and poetry leaves me





(but there is something in me still).


Day 89: Snow

Day 89: Snow

A song.

For the nights you stand under streetlights in the summer

and wait for snow.



When you were the snow falling down
When I was the city losing colour and sound
When we were

Sunk like treasure
Sunk like treasure

~Lisa Hannigan


Day89_Snow by Streelight

Day 88: Cut Power

Day 88: Cut Power

thank you for the storms that cut out all the power
that make me lose track of the duty driving hour

and go slow


thank you for the upset to my days
that make me change my rhythm’d ways

and skip




thank you for the crises and the headaches
the debacles and the back breaks

that make me rest in you



just a breath where glances hung
in my mind’s eye,
in my tightened lung,

an inhale at the collar bone
to catch again the scent of home

and my lips curl at the corner
and my fingertips grow warmer

in the storm
in the upset
and a little after too

in the wake of it all
i still recall

being caught by the cheek,
looked in the eye,
and loved.

Day88_Cut Power

Day 87: It’s the Time

Day 87: It’s the Time

Dear Child,


it’s not the toys i wrap
nor the bread i bake
the laundry i fold
nor the beds i make

it’s not the things i do
i do
i do
God, i don’t stop doing

i see
i see
it’s the time i give
to see you

so many days my eyes are fixed upon the work
that is not my greatest work

i know
i know
it’s the time i give
to know you

so many days my mind is overfilled
with things I shouldn’t mind

i hear
i hear
it’s the time i give
to listen

so many days i speak too much
and let your words go missing

but I have one thing more to say:


your words –

speak them always in your heart
they are yours
and yours deserving
though mine and many ears won’t hear
in the hustle of hurry –

keep them coming.

your dances –

though few will see them
or understand their beat
persist with arms pumping
and the stomping of your feet

keep on moving.

your gifts –

cannot be undone by others’ doing
cannot be forgot by others’ ignoring
cannot be lessened by lesser men
and cannot be known if you don’t show them

keep them going

out of you and on

and on

and on

and on

like the time
we all
must give.


Day 86: The Only Choice

Day 86: The Only Choice

At the divides in life:

the broken bridges,
the crags and ridges,
the lefts or rights,
the fights or flights,
the nos or yeses,
the mores or lesses,

we choose.


sometimes holding is not an option and choice comes upon you like hail.

(and you thought it was just raining, didn’t you?)


it’s there, under ice,
when the pelt
you felt
swells into welt,

you react
and chose


for better or worse


to get away from the pain
or the fear of more ice coming.

and in the shelter of that outcome –
when the hail has stopped and the skies are clear again –
you wonder if you chose well.


o you little choices –
you shooting stars –

with the passing of time
have matured into mountains
too steep to be climbed.

now. dry. clearing sky.
how do we face the choices we chose?

we can hide them,
deny them,
heartily defend them,
perpetually repent them,

but to undo we cannot do

they’re not bargained slaves in ugly trade
they are not painted up and prettier made
they are ours and solely owned
they cannot be sold
they cannot be loaned

we cannot reverse ourselves in time,
just as fallen lights
back to the heavens cannot climb.

so here in this moment, come sit with me, choices
like children,
like ages,
let me see you,
hear your voices.

I’ll no longer judge you
or shamefully begrudge you
you were young once,

and so was I.

and together,
we’ll know better,

though hail still downward flies.



Day 85: Miss (a poem to the rhythm of travel)

Day 85: Miss (a poem to the rhythm of travel)

long roads
dark miles
yellow seconds ticking
like blinks of eyes and days gone by
and how the years are pricking

my mind

with memory

do we miss what we never were?


was it the curve or the bend
that led down a dead end
on the track

and do we want to go back?


far from home, the table calls
with scents of smoke and sage
nearer we come and courage stalls;

is it side effect of age?


I missed the answers to these questions.
I miss the home that I can rest in.
and warmth of a fire within


I’ll place the hearth in my belly,
beg the four winds to tell me:
which way?
which way?
which way?


long roads

dark miles

get me home.

 Day85_Long Roads

Day 84: Alike

Day 84: Alike

The role of the artist – the journey of the creative – though sometimes strange and often isolating, is more important than ever. If it’s in you, you know it, and it’s time to share it. Not everyone is called to be an artist (and thank God), but those who aren’t depend on the artist’s creation; by which they can evaluate and ponder, applaud or disagree, strengthen or change the world around them.

I cannot build spaceships.
I cannot reckon the stars.
I cannot cure cancer,
but I might be able to show you what the world would look like if YOU did.


Not everything is art, but there is an art to everything.

Claim your craft.



~Thank you, Kevin Henderson, for sharing this video and for being a fiddler on the hill.

~Thank you, to you who bring my colors back to me. 

~”Alike” is an animated short film directed by Daniel Martínez Lara & Rafa Cano Méndez, published on YouTube by Pepe School Land, and featured in Sofo Archon’s The Unbounded Spirit
